Screw it. Let's do it!
Edition #067
Hey friends, happy Sunday!
I've been thinking about building a few small products and tools and I want your input. Initially I am looking into creating a few Webflow templates and mini tools focused around personal development & business - if there’s anything you’d like to see from me then let me know!

One Lesson
Screw it. Let's do it!
Finding success in any area of life requires a combination of thousands of tiny skills.
Our differences in skillset is what make us unique, but there are a few keystone skills that are required for success in any pursuit.
Perhaps the most important skill is confidence. Without it you'll probably never get started and if you do it's likely you won't persevere long enough to see the rewards.
Whether you're building a business, starting a podcast or getting in shape, you need to adopt a 'Screw it. Let's do it.' kind of attitude. A bias towards taking action in the face of uncertainty.
While confidence does not guarantee success, it is a pre-requisite. Without the confidence to persevere, to blindly commit to something, you’ll never make it happen.

Two Ideas
There's a weird paradox between selling and making your work fulfilling:
Selling: You need to sell the outcomes, not the process.
Work: You need to commit to the process, not fixate on the outcomes.

Burnout is difficult because you don't realise that you're spending tomorrow's energy for today's gain.

Three Favourite Finds
Van Neistat's Wildly Functional Studio: It’s refreshing to see a unique creator find a fit on YouTube and over the last year that’s exactly what Van Neistat has done.
What stood out to me in this interview is how Van and Casey had a group of other creatives all making things in different studios at 368 broadway. They’d bounce ideas off each other, borrow equipment and help out with projects. 20 + years later everyone from this 368 community has gone on to find success, the story is similar to what MrBeast mentioned on Joe Rogan about cultivating a community of like minded people who are obsessed with their craft.
This was another timely reminder for me to surround myself with more people doing similar things.

The Pathless Path: I’m really enjoying Paul Millerds new book. He focuses heavily on the idea of breaking free of the default path and following the “pathless path”.
Paul doesn’t push living a certain kind go lifestyle instead he champions living a life where you question how things have always been done.
Highly recommend checking it out if you're uncertain on your career and want to follow an untraditional path.

How to grow on YouTube (without getting lucky): This thread does a great job at explaining the core levers that drive YouTube growth for some of the biggest creators.
Publishing that first video a couple weeks back has given me the YouTube bug and I'm currently working on a few more videos (just need to make more time for editing 😅).

End note
The Sunday Filter relies on word of mouth to reach more people, if you’re enjoying the newsletter I’d really appreciate you sending it to a friend or sharing on Twitter.
Have a fantastic week!
- Stephen