Do you want to be happy or right?
Howdy folks, I’ve had my metal detector out this week searching all over the internet for precious metals, you can find my haul below.
I started writing a piece for this newsletter called 'Do you want to be happy or right?' but it took a more personal turn than most of my writing so far. I'll finish that up and publish it on my blog in the next day or two. But here's a sneak preview of the meme...

Anyway let's get into the filter.
1. The Most Important Asset That You Never Think About (article): It's weird how as a society we value wealth and success above health, yet without health you can't enjoy life. If you're struggling to keep focused with your health this post is a great reminder.
If I asked you, “How much health do you have?” you would look at me like I was crazy. And because we can’t easily measure health, it often gets neglected. Working long hours comes at the expense of our time in the gym. We eat fast food to save time and money.
2. Improving your quality of life (quote):
“THERE ARE TWO main strategies we can adopt to improve the quality of life. The first is to try making external conditions match our goals. The second is to change how we experience external conditions to make them fit our goals better.” — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Flow)
3. Experiences Won’t Make You Happier Than Possessions (article): I've always agreed with the idea that you should spend your money on experiences not possessions, but this essay has me rethinking that.
Sasha Chapin makes the point that when people are asked what makes them happier they choose experiences because they are 'memory makers' but a high-quality possession can improve your quality of life more often just in subtle ways. Maybe experiences don't make you happier than possessions??
4. Derek Sivers on getting rich (quote):
“Your biggest obstacle to getting rich is the harmful meaning you’ve attached to it. Your biggest advantage can be projecting a helpful meaning onto it.”
This is the same for most things you're struggling with. Your internal scripts need rewriting to project a helpful meaning onto whatever you're trying to achieve.
5. Creator Flywheels (article): There's something about flywheels in business that just gets me going 😮💨😂. This article from Nathan Barry is the best thing I've read on how creators can build their own flywheels.
6. I can't keep doing this to myself (video): Raw, honest video from Better Ideas on his struggle with perfectionism and how even though you know taking action is the thing to do, for some reason you don't do it.
There's something refreshing seeing direct to camera, simple videos where someone openly riffs on something they are currently experiencing like this.
7. Making $800k/ year writing (video): It's fascinating to see creators be so open with how they're making their money. This video from Dan Koe shares an interesting look at how he ties together multiple products under his personal brand.
8. Morgan Housel on achieving extraordinary performance (quote):
"Average performance sustained for an above-average period of time leads to extraordinary performance. This is true not just in investing but careers, relationships, and parenting"
End Note
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Have a fantastic week!
- Stephen